Rosemary Roasted Siglinde Potatoes With Meatloaf

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes

We’ve been roasting potatoes this way for what seems like forever. They are simple, quick to make and a delicious accompaniment to so many menus; including meats, chicken or for brunch with eggs and sausages. My husband makes the best ones!  To change things up, you can omit the rosemary and throw in a couple of bay leaves.

8 Servings

16 red skinned potatoes or other new potatoes, approximately 2” in diameter
4 – 6 Tbsp. EVO
Salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 – 5”  long branch of fresh rosemary, needles removed from stem & chopped
1 large clove garlic and/or  thick slices of onion

Preheat oven to 400 – 425 F. Oil or spray with cooking spray, a large ovenproof glass or ceramic baking dish. Cut the potatoes into quarters; add to the dish; drizzle with EVO; sprinkle with the rosemary, salt & pepper to taste. Place in the oven for 20 minutes. Gently lift & turn the potatoes & return to the oven. Bake for approximately another 20 minutes, until crisp & golden brown.

Helpful tip:  an alternate method I like to use especially when we are having company for dinner and I need the oven for other things before roasting the potatoes. 

Cut the potatoes into chunks.  Place into a pot of boiling salted water for approximately 6-7 minutes or until barely tender.  Remove to rimmed baking sheet that’s been lined with a cotton towel; separate the potatoes to cool completely.  When ready to roast the potatoes preheat the oven to 450F or 425F for convection,  toss potatoes with the EVO, salt, pepper, rosemary and garlic, put the potatoes into an oiled or sprayed glass or ceramic baking dish or a cast iron pan, in one layer.  Roast the potatoes for 15 minutes, checking to see how they are coming along and to give them a stir.  Continue roasting until they are nicely browned.



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